(大菌輪-論文3行まとめ)Dark septate endophytic pleosporalean genera from semiarid areas (仮訳)半乾燥地域に産し暗色隔壁を有するプレオスポラ目のエンドファイトの属 Knapp, DG. et al., 2015. Dark septate endophytic pleosporalean genera fr… Read More
(大菌輪-論文3行まとめ)Cercosporoid fungi (Mycosphaerellaceae) 3. species on monocots (Poaceae, true grasses) (仮訳)サーコスポロイド菌類 (3):単子葉植物(イネ科)を宿主とする種 Braun, U., Crous, P. & Nakashima, C., 2015. cercosporoid fungi (Mycos… Read More
(大菌輪-論文3行まとめ)Phylogeny and species delimitation in the genus Coprinellus with special emphasis on the haired species (仮訳)Coprinellus属菌、特に有毛の種の系統および種の境界 Nagy, LG. et al., 2012. Phylogeny and species delimitation in the genus Cop… Read More