(大菌輪-論文3行まとめ)Phialosimplex, a new anamorphic genus associated with infections in dogs and having phylogenetic affinity to the Trichocomaceae (仮訳)マユハキタケ科と系統的に類縁性を有し、イヌに感染を引き起こすアナモルフ菌の新属Phialosimplex Sigler, L. et al., 2010. Phialosimplex, a new anamorp… Read More
(大菌輪-論文3行まとめ)Isolation and characterisation of the fungus Spiromastix asexualis sp. nov. from discospondylitis in a German Shepherd dog, and review of Spiromastix with the proposal of the new order Spiromastixales (仮訳)ジャーマン・シェパード・ドッグの椎間板脊椎炎からの新種Spiromastix asexualisの分離および特徴づけ、Spiromastix属のレビューと新目Spiromastixalesの提唱 Rizzo, L… Read More