(大菌輪-論文3行まとめ)Geoglossaceous fungi in Slovakia 5. Geoglossum uliginosum: taxonomy and nomenclature (仮訳)スロバキアのテングノメシガイ科菌類 (5):Geoglossum uliginosum、その分類と命名 Kučera, V. et al., 2013. Geoglossaceous fungi in Slova… Read More
(大菌輪-論文3行まとめ)Taxonomy and phylogeny of European Gymnopus subsection Levipedes (Basidiomycota, Omphalotaceae) (仮訳)ヨーロッパ産のモリノカレバタケ属モリノカレバタケ亜節の系統分類 Antonín, V. et al., 2013. Taxonomy and phylogeny of European Gymnopus subs… Read More
(大菌輪-論文3行まとめ)Phylogenetics and taxonomy of the fungal vascular wilt pathogen Verticillium, with the descriptions of five new species (仮訳)Vascular wiltを起こすVerticillium属病原菌の系統分類および5新種の記載 Inderbitzin, P., Bostock, R. & Davis, R., 2011. Phylog… Read More