(大菌輪-論文3行まとめ)Two new species and a new record of Lepiota (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) from the Dominican Republic (仮訳)ドミニカ共和国産キツネノカラカサ属の2新種および1新産種 Justo, A., Angelini, C. & Bizzi, A., 2015. Two new species and a new reco… Read More
(大菌輪-論文3行まとめ)A first checklist of lichenicolous fungi from the Dominican Republic, including the description of a new species of Xenonectriella (仮訳)Xenonectriella属の新種記載を含む、ドミニカ共和国産の地衣生菌類の初のチェックリスト Etayo, J. & Van den Boom, P., 2013. A first checklist… Read More